Monday, September 14, 2009

Crazy Small World of Twitter

I had to go to Belfast this morning for a showing at our beautiful listing there, a true pleasure to show and a couple I really enjoyed to show it to. Then continued to Boothbay to do a status check on Smuggler's Cove. Absolutely spectacular day. Took a bunch of pictures and after I downloaded them I posted one on Twitter saying, "gorgeous day in East Boothbay".

A guy on Twitter said, "are you at Smuggler's now, we own the boatyard practically next door". So cool - he could have been from Austrailia the way Twitter is but next door. So anyway, we tweeted back and forth and he sent me this incredible aerial shot of Smuggler's - how cool? I just can't get over what a small world it is and then throw in Twitter and Facebook etc. and BAM. :-)

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