Saturday, July 11, 2009

Good Ole Dads

Last night, when Ava and I were out squirrel and chipmunk hunting... ( we only find them, don't eat them ) - poor Ava got bit by red ants again, they're back!!! Before when her Grampa treated the place, they stopped but here they are again.

Ava promptly wrote Grampa an email pleading for help to stop the ants from biting her. Well.... I am not even sure her email got through cyberspace before Grampa showed up ready to defend her from those tiny, sadistic beasts with killer in hand. (I never would have gotten that kind of response on my own, now you see where the family gets the animal lover gene from :-)

And THEN, Grampa decided not to stop there and mowed the lawns until it was too dark last night. NOW, today, Mulligan pressed the doorbell asking for some water because he and Grampa have been here for an hour and a half raking and weed whacking and we didn't even know it.

Amazing what a little email from a little girl can do :-)

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